– Use both sides: Is it that one side of your mat looks overused, while the other looks unused? You need to know that there is a reason that the mat has both sides and you should use them both to ensure that one side doesn’t face tedious wear and tear; and the pressure is evenly divided.
– Let it breathe: You end up like a sweaty mug after your mat workout but you most likely roll it and toss it in your car backseat as soon as the workout is done. It is important to unroll it and expose it to the sun briefly or let it hang in some fresh air to get rid of humidity. Please note that prolonged exposure to harsh sun can cut down its life. So store it in a cool place.
– Keep it soil-free: Try to always wipe your feet off soil or dirt before stepping on to the yoga mat. Even if you are using it indoors, wipe your feet with a tissue to obstruct the dust from coming on your mat.
– Wash it: If you use your yoga mat pretty often, it is advised to wash it twice or thrice a month. But don’t expose it to harsh chemicals or torture it in your machine’s wash cycle. Instead dilute a mild detergent and let it soak in warm water briefly. Then use a cloth to wipe it clean and finally rinse it with clean water. Now, hang it with clips to dry.